How can brands get a fair share of sales this summer?

Grocery multiples sales for the Coronation topped expectations at £2.8bn, but whilst total sales are on the increase, the growth of supermarket own-label products is now double that of brands. Can brands still regain the loyalty of budget-conscious shoppers?

Why rewarding your staff is essential right now

Staff rewards programmes provide an excellent way for your business to recognise success and encourage positive behaviour. Motivating employees is more crucial than ever with salaries stretched and spirits dampened by the cost-of-living crisis. Offering genuine rewards can go much further than just making employees feel valued.

Use mobile coupons to measure the effectiveness of digital advertising

Mobile coupons can be a highly effective tool for analysing ROI and the success of these campaigns, whether online or in-store. They can be used to track conversions, providing brands with an accurate idea of ​​how many users are actually making a purchase or taking a desired action. This is especially useful for in-store campaigns, […]

The Art of Coupons: How to make your coupon stand out from the rest

“Everyone is attracted to a deal, no matter how large or small. By incorporating coupons and discounts into your overall marketing and pricing strategies, you’re already appealing to the minds of shoppers. Here are six effective strategies, backed by behavioural science and extensive research that can improve the perception of your brand and increase conversions”. […]

Do shoppers prefer coupons or loyalty points?

At the end of 2022 savi ran a survey to discover more about UK shopper habits and learned that coupons were more popular than collecting loyalty points, so it came as no surprise to have this confirmed in a research report in the recent edition of the Journal of Retailing.

Building FMCG brand loyalty without the strain

Brand loyalty experienced a revival last year when both McDonald’s and Asda launched new loyalty schemes and Tesco implemented substantial changes to its Clubcard programme. Despite their popularity among retailers, running schemes like these can be difficult and expensive for FMCG brands, which is why savi has built a solution to enable brands to reward loyal customers and build lasting relationships.

The science of coupons and why we love them so much

With more than 50 years in the industry, savi is synonymous with coupons, processing millions of pounds worth of coupon sales every year. We decided to take a closer at what makes coupons so popular and asked leading commercial psychologist, Phillip Adcock, to explain their powerful effect on shopper behaviour.

Why coupons should be a part of your strategy

Savi’s recent consumer research confirmed that coupons are essential to consumers as the rising cost of living has spawned a nation of savvy shoppers eager to save money. Nearly a third of the 2,000 UK shoppers we surveyed in November said that coupons are most likely to influence their shopping behaviour, ahead of loyalty points, discount codes, or ‘buy one get one free’ style promotions, but what makes coupons a tactic that brands can no longer afford to disregard?