Use mobile coupons to measure the effectiveness of digital advertising


Mobile coupons can be a highly effective tool for analysing ROI and the success of these campaigns, whether online or in-store.

They can be used to track conversions, providing brands with an accurate idea of ​​how many users are actually making a purchase or taking a desired action. This is especially useful for in-store campaigns, where users are encouraged to visit the company’s physical stores. With mobile coupons, retailers can know exactly how many users are visiting their stores, providing a precise indication of the impact of the advertising campaign.

With the elimination of third-party cookies, the collection of first-party data becomes even more important for brands. In this scenario, mobile coupons become a tool to collect user data and build trusting relationships with your shoppers. In a programmatic advertising context, coupons can be used to create customized audience segments based on shoppers’ purchasing preferences.

Also, mobile coupons can be used to retarget shoppers. Brands can send personalised and targeted offers to shoppers who have already redeemed coupons, providing an incentive to make more purchases, earn loyalty or engage in some other activation. In this way, brands can maximize the value of their advertising campaigns, obtaining higher conversions and retaining their shoppers.

In conclusion, mobile coupons can be an effective means of evaluating the impact of advertising campaigns. With competition increasing in the digital advertising market, brands need to find innovative ways to achieve their marketing objectives and mobile coupons are an attractive and cost-effective option. Using mobile coupons, brands can easily track conversions, evaluate the impact of their advertising campaigns and improve their marketing strategy. 

savi’s team can support you in creating promotional incentives and mobile coupon campaigns that engage shoppers and meet your brand’s objectives. To find the right coupon solution for your needs, contact us here. 

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