Building FMCG brand loyalty without the strain


In our recent consumer survey, we discovered that 47% of shoppers would sign-up for a brand or retailer’s loyalty scheme in return for a coupon. However, the same survey also revealed that 46% of people would willingly supply their email address in return for a standalone coupon* which goes to show that whilst building loyal customer relationships is essential for brands – we all know that it is five times more expensive to attract a new customer than to retain an existing one – it might simply be a matter of offering more engaging rewards instead of cumbersome loyalty programmes.

What is the benefit of a loyalty programme for brands?

The lack of a direct relationship with their customers is a common issue for FMCG brands. Whilst shoppers might have an emotional connection with a brand, their most direct relationship is with the retailer where they make purchases. Crucially, the retailer holds all of the data needed to analyse customer behaviour and build meaningful, loyal relationships. This leaves FMCG brands dependent on advertising and tactics to gain a share of the market whilst they are still none the wiser as to who is really buying from them.

A loyalty programme allows brands to engage directly with their customers, be more targeted and relevant, reward behaviour such as purchases or reviews, and ultimately retain their loyalty.

So, what’s the problem?

  1. The expense
    The cost associated with developing a bespoke loyalty programme that is fun, engaging, and mobile-friendly can be prohibitive. Off-the-shelf loyalty platforms are a solid solution but there will always be ongoing updates, resourcing and development time to be factored in.
  2. Staying fresh
    Maintaining a compelling and relevant loyalty scheme for customers who are used to personalised member offers and regular discounts from big retail loyalty programmes like Nectar and Clubcard takes up a lot of time, cost, and effort.
  3. Integration and data
    It is difficult and expensive to integrate a brand’s loyalty programme with all the numerous retailer EPOS systems. This means that valuable transaction data still effectively sits with the retailer for the most part and the brand is still in the dark about its real customers.

Our solution? Build a loyalty reward promotion without the costly set-up.

savi’s latest loyalty solutions allow FMCG brands to generate effective campaigns that reward customer behaviour without the bother of an expensive loyalty programme build.

Brands can run collector schemes or shopper incentives such as ‘Buy 3 items and get the 4th free’ to encourage repeat purchases, buying across a range, trial of new products, and most crucially – the capture of data and direct-marketing opt-ins – all within a time-frame and budget suited to their needs.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Rewards promotion implemented by the brand.
  2. Customers upload the required number of receipts or proof of purchase to a customisable FMCG branded portal.
  3. savi checks and verifies each receipt triggering bespoke, targeted communications to update and engage the customer throughout the campaign’s lifecycle.
  4. Once the customer successfully reaches their target our platform can activate and deliver coupons, cashback, or even physical rewards to customers.
  5. Brand tracks campaign performance and customer behaviour via a live dashboard throughout the lifecycle of the campaign, and retrieves customer data to drive further engagement and rewards.

savi’s simple one-stop solution builds customer loyalty effectively and directly, generating sales, engagement and powerful data for brands across consumer and trade environments. To find out more about how our loyalty solutions can work for your brand contact our team here.

*savi OnePoll Consumer Research surveyed 2,000 UK adults November 2022.

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